Heart Attack, Tornado and a house fire

                          What do they have in common you ask?                                                             They all happened in one year to me. It started in January, I had quadruple by pass surgery. Not bad for a 73 year old guy who is basically in good shape. Then in May we had over $50,000 worth of tornado damage to our office and now the year is finishing off with a house fire two days before Christmas. Normally, I have good luck and these problems usually don’t occur, but when they do – watch out. I have to say it’s not easy trying to handle all of this in one year.  BUT !!! I am looking forward to 2018, I mean what else can happen? RIGHT! In 2018 I have a few things I have to really concentrate on. One, our company. When the founder and chief fundraiser goes down for 6 months and gets the other surprises thrown at him it gets to be interesting. When your a non-profit and a totally volunteer company who does the bossing around when your drugged out and in bed with a couple hundred stitches in your chest?

Well, most people that know me know two things about me. One, I’m to stupid to quit and two, I might be a little stubborn.

In 2018 we will have a contest called “Find It If You Can” set up for our over the road drivers. We have hidden over 300 different chips all over the USA and will give clues out to where to find the chips that represent gifts like steer tires, CB radios and Blue Tiger head sets.

Hope you ALL have a great NEW YEAR

Barry Pawelek                                                                                                                          Founder                                                                                                                                            Walk A Mile America Foundation

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